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ABOUT 150th Anniversary Reenactment

Dates:  June 26-29, 2014

Thursday 6/26/14 designated for set up, battle encampment, and living history village.


Friday 6/27/14 day is set for battle encampment, livng history village, and demonstrations.  At 6:00pm, this will hold place for opening ceremony for the 150th Anniversary Battle of Monocacy/Frederick Junction.


Saturday and Sunday 6/28-6/29/14

Both days are set for a 2 day battle which will include ground charges and air burst.  Battle encampment, living history village, demonstrations, and much more!


This four day event will be a historical reenactment for both the young and young at heart., a battle fought on July 9, 1864 on the grounds of  Maryland.  With a two day battle as well as a living history village, everyone who attends will leave with a great experience and maybe the chance to learn something new.  As we enjoy the company from both men and women all over the country, we are honored to keep the memory and the history of those soldiers fallen alive.  Some were father's, some brother's, some only son's.

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